Please help the club by volunteering to fill the fun position of Field Trip Chairperson. Contact Judi Kubes today. We also need a Website Assistant. Please contact the Website Administrator. Thank you!

Get Inspired And Share Your Love Of Photography
Join The Tacoma Photographic Society!

We are an award-winning club with members of all skill levels and diverse interests. Join us and share your photos, skills, and knowledge!  The TPS was established in 1956 as a non-profit 501(c)(7) social club governed by a Constitution and Bylaws. 

Membership Has Its Benefits:

  • Learn from experienced photographers and meet new friends!

  • Enjoy photography outings, guest speakers, and presentations.

  • Club Event Calendar to keep you informed of all activities.

  • Improve your skills through the club’s educational website pages!

  • Participate in PSA, NWCCC, and the Tacoma Photographic Society Annual Spring Fair Photo Contest.

  • The Tacoma Photographic Society Annual Competition and Award Banquet is for members only.

  • Social and Holiday gatherings

  • Take your photography skills to the next level with optional critiques at our monthly competition review meetings. These comments are designed to help you improve your photography so you enjoy it more and share your photos with others through our competitions.

  • Monthly print and projection competitions (in-person & Zoom hybrid). These competitions are designed to be competitive and award the best photos thus encouraging all members to continually work on improving their capturing and editing skills to create stronger and more interesting photos.

  • Our monthly competitions are not based on the "Show and Tell" format of other clubs who present their prints and the photographers offer discussions about their photographs, the location, camera settings, capturing technique, and editing process.

  • Competition review meetings are open to the public; however, you must be a member to compete.

  • We meet September through June with time off in the summer in July and August.

  • All ages & skills levels are welcome whether you are new to photography or are a seasoned professional!

  • You do NOT have to live in the Tacoma area to become a member.  We have members from all over the South Sound.

Click here to Join the TPS where you will be able to pay for your membership, create an account, and begin enjoying membership benefits.


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