Don't miss the March 27 deadline for the Spring Fair Photo Competition! Use SignUpGenius to volunteer to work the TPS booth at the Fairgrounds! Two Website Assistants needed. Please contact the Website Administrator! We love our volunteers! Thank you!

Northwest Trek Wildlife Park

October 19 at 9:30 am - Tedd Wilkinson
11610 Trek Drive East, Eatonville, WA 98328   Google Map

All club members were invited to enjoy a morning of wildlife photography at the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park located near Eatonville, WA.  The park offers 723 acres of natural habitats for over 40 species of wildlife along the Cheney Center!

On Saturday, Oct 19th, Tedd Wilkinson, Judi Kubes, Heather Curbow, Bruce Severeid, and Bruce's daughter Arla went to NW Trek wildlife park.  We had a great time.  The weather was mild and slightly overcast with no rain.  The animals were active and we were able to see Bear, Black tail deer, Elk in rut, a Moose, Bison, skunk, badger, wolverine and raccoons.  We were able to ride the tram around the park then proceed on a nature walk along the paths for close up opportunities with the animals.  Thank you to all who attended this field trip - looking forward to the next one! - Tedd Wilkinson

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