Please help the club by volunteering to fill the fun position of Field Trip Chairperson. Contact Judi Kubes today. We also need a Website Assistant. Please contact the Website Administrator. Thank you!
Projection Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month, except for July & August when we take a summer break. Projection Hybrid meetings are currently being held in person at Curtis High School, 8425 40th Street, University Place, WA 98466 and on Zoom. Social hour starts at 6:30 pm. The meeting offers a friendly competition review with optional photo critiques at 7-9 pm. Zoom links are emailed to all current members and are posted on the club's Calendar and Home page of the website. Google Map
Print Meetings are held in person at the Waller Road Grange on the third Thursday of the month, September through June. We are currently looking for a new meeting location that does not charge room rent. The meeting offers social time, a friendly competition review, and optional photo critiques at 7-9 pm. Please register your images on the website prior to the print meeting. This will allow us to place your winning images in the Home Page slideshow and the members will be able to write helpful constructive comments to assist you in making your images the best they can be. Waller Road Grange Address: 2708 East 64th Street; Tacoma, WA 98404 Google Map
Personal Image Library - All images uploaded to the Projection and Print Competitions throughout the year are automatically stored in the member's private Image Library. They are stored for approximately two to five years, or longer depending on space. The images can be easily accessed for submission to future competitions such as the TPS Annual Division Competition which is held after the end of the competition year in October and to PSA competitions. The TPS print and projection competition year is September 1 through June 30.