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Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually Wildlife Refuge Field Trip
June 6, 2024
By Tedd Wilkinson

Attendees:  Tedd Wilkinson, Maria DeKoker, Doug Hall, and Rebecca Blackwell

I had the pleasure of leading a group of fellow photographers (Rebecca Blackwell, Doug Hall, Maria DeKoker) to the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.  We met at the beautiful visitors center where I just had to purchase a t-shirt commemorating the 50th anniversary of the refuge.  It was a beautiful, warm sunny day with just a few wispy clouds.  The tide was out and we had fun walking out on the long pier.  We saw eagles, blue herons, blackbirds, and at the old barns on one of the trail loops, we saw Barn Swallows busy nesting!  It was great to be with my fellow TPS members and look forward to many more field trips this summer! - Tedd Wilkinson

What a great day to go to Nisqually NWR! The temperature was in the mid-70s, a light breeze was blowing, and both the sun and Tahoma were out. Though the light was a bit too bright, if you ask me, there were wonderful photo opportunities. The tide was quite low, exposing the underlying structure of the ground that is usually beneath the water. Because the tide was out, there were no seals about, but there were still plenty of song birds, shore birds, ducks, and eagles to see, as well as colorful algae and structures. I love going to this place frequently, as each visit is different. - Rebecca Blackwell


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