- Excellent - Receives 10 points
This image has outstanding composition, tells a complete story, or creates a mood for the viewer. It has a high impact on the viewer. It has no noticeable weaknesses but it is not necessarily perfect. There is no definition for artistic perfection--however, it should still be a goal for everyone to try to achieve.
- Very Good - Receives 9 points
The photo is technically correct with good composition. It tells a story or creates a mood that impacts the viewer at first sight. It has only one minor weakness.
- Good – Receives 8 point
Typical photo quality, good color for the subject and background, good pictorial treatment. The photo is technically correct. It may have up to two minor weaknesses.
- Average Receives 7 points
Average, as far as the public is concerned, with little impact or imagination. It does not meet TPS acceptance criteria. It may have up to three minor weaknesses.
- Fair - Receives 6 points
This is a snapshot type of photo that needs improvement before entering it into one of the TPS competitions. It has four or more weaknesses that need to be corrected.
Explanation Of Design Components
Impact: The picture’s ability to attract and hold the viewer’s attention. Look for: Establishment of mood, strong emotional response evoked, sensory stimulation, fresh imaginative approach that lifts the work into the realm of art, subject matter made interesting by the photographer--not merely by its own inherent quality.
Composition: The selection and arrangement of the pictorial elements to enhance the meaning of the subject. Look For: One or more area of maximum interest, use of lines and shapes to emphasize the center of interest, pleasing spatial balance, a complete story within the photograph, overall unity, simplicity. Watch this great video by Peter Evans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gok-dqLx3vY&t=5s
Technique: The selective application of the mechanical elements to strengthen the intended visual statement. Look For: Effective use of light, appropriate use of focus and depth-of-field, effective exposure, subduing of unimportant foregrounds, backgrounds, and highlights, effective filling of the frame, straight horizon lines, correct linear perspective of buildings, effective use of color or tonal contrast (black & white), effective cropping, neatness and clean photos.