Please help the club by volunteering to fill the fun position of Field Trip Chairperson. Contact Judi Kubes today. Thank you!

Embedding HTML into a Web Page

There are special cases where you may need a HTML form tag on a page. This is not permitted on a page, but there is a technique that allows you to embed a HTML page within the content of your page.

You can create a full HTML page and save it with a ".html" extension and have that page embedded within a normal content page by using a special variable "tag" to reference your document.

Your HTML file must be a complete page. Sometimes you may be provided with a partial page of HTML. You must place that partial text within the required page tags. Make sure your document starts and ends with the HTML tags below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
 --- Your content goes here. ---

Save your HTML page into your website using the Manage Downloads page. Once saved, the Manage DownLoads page will display the variable tag to be place on your content page. Your HTML page will be embedded using an "iframe" tag reference.

Your website style sheets are not applied to your HTML file content. You may need to create styles and style sheets for your form. If you set the background color to transparent on your "html" tag, the background color on your website will display.

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