Thursday, March 20 Print Competition
March's Theme Is "Macro or Tiny"
Meetings are open to the public on the third Thursday of the month; however, you must be a club member to compete in monthly and annual print and projection competitions.
Submit Photos - Friday, March 7 at 12 am until Tuesday, March 18 at 11:30 pm - You must submit your photos online before the meeting. Please note that we do not accept walk-in print registrations on the night of the meeting. Therefore, please make sure you have pre-registered your prints on the website with a digital JPEG in sRGB photo of your print, before the cut-off date/time. Please do not exceed 1920 wide x 1080 high and 1.5 MB for your digital file. This change will allow the meeting to proceed on time, make the scorekeeping a smooth process, and creates less work for all of our volunteers. As a bonus, your photos will be stored in your private Image Library for future reference and use including submitting them to the Annual Division Competition, and PSA competitions. Yes, our website is connected to the PSA organization!
Judge & Vote - Judging and voting are done in person at the review meeting.
Review Meeting - Thursday, March 20 - The meeting is at 6:30 pm to 9 pm with judging, voting, photo review, and optional critiques. These meetings are in-person only (no Zoom meetings).
Location - Waller Road Grange, 2708 64th Street East, Tacoma Google map
Submission Requirements:
- Commercially made color prints shall be accepted in the Print Division competition.
- As stated in the Bylaws, Print Division entries shall be a minimum of 35 square inches (e.g., 5″ x 7″) not including mounting. Maximum combined print and mount size shall be no larger than 320 square inches (e.g., 16″ x 20″).
- Submit your photos on the website: Competitions > Submit Images For Print or Projection OR click here.
- Please capitalize each word in your photo titles and use proper word spacing. Please check your spelling! Everyone will see your mistakes which we can't correct for you.
- DO NOT include your name, the word "copy", or numbers in the photo titles. The automated features of the website will automatically insert your name into the proper place.
- DO NOT include "For Comment" or "Not For Comment" in the title of your photos. The website will keep track of the options you choose.
- The judging and voting process is conducted blindly, so all watermarked images will be disqualified.
Award-winning photos will be placed in the Home Page slideshow. If you do NOT want your photos included in the slideshow, please contact the Website Administrator through the website email message system. For more print information and competition rules, click here.
Some Rules to Keep In Mind:
- You may submit a photo only once to either a Projection Competition OR to a Print Competition--not to both competitions. If you make substantial changes, you must re-submit the photo to the same competition it was submitted to the first time. You can't submit a photo to a Projection Competition, make substantial changes, and then submit it to a Print Competition, and vice versa. No crossing over from one competition to the other. This applies to both the Open (subject) competitions and the Theme (specific subject) competitions. Check your Image Library or Image History so you don't accidentally re-submit photos: Membership > My Account > My Image History or My Image Library. You will see all of the photos you have submitted to all competitions since September 2022.
- The TPS is a club member of PSA; however, we do NOT compete according to PSA rules such as no signs of "hand of man" in nature/wildlife photos. You are allowed/expected to remove distracting objects from all photos including nature/wildlife photos. It's your choice to delete distracting objects in photojournalism photos (sports, events, rodeos, etc.) or not.
If you are not a member of the TPS and would like to start competing in Print and Projection Competitions, join the TPS by clicking here. We hope to see your photos in our competitions and meet you at our monthly Projection and Print meetings.